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Happy Thanksgiving.I enjoy Thanksgiving for the reminder of what I am thankful for; family and friends always top my list. This year I am also thankful for my busy life because it’s not just busyness; my life is very full with much that is important to me. My daughter is in one of the top aeronautical colleges in the world, my son is in band and both children are happy. What mother can ask for more?
I am almost finished with my master’s degree in Special Education and I am positively impacting students and families in the school setting, community and cyber communities. All of these activities put me in a position to learn even more and that is just another blessing in my life. Sure, there are the nights when I crawl to bed after getting home from band practice, finish my homework and research for lessons to present to my students or ponder ways to deflate the bullies in my son’s life but those moments are special to me because I really am doing things I enjoy (I do wish the bullies peace so they can move on with their lives and leave my boy alone). I may be drop-to-deep-sleep exhausted but I’m happy. I wish there were more hours in a day not so that I can get to the sink full of dishes but so that I can learn more, or read my boy a story (which somehow or other will begin again!), or create more blog posts or write more.
I have dust bunnies with names. They don’t eat much and they don’t poop; no worries. My daughter and I spoke online with video twice today logging in over 2 hours (sharing with family). Talk about blessings and technologically enhanced miracles. Sure, more hours in the day would be good when they come with Love.
I’m with family, my belly is full and I have plenty to be thankful for. I am truly blessed.If every day we practiced noticing what we are thankful for, think how huge an impact that would have in our lives; within ourselves, our families, communities and globally.
Remember to be thankful for the busyness of life, there's truly much to be grateful for. I think Thanksgiving is a day to practice an attitude that can be nurtured into daily living - maybe replacing the extra helpings of calorie rich foods with the busyness of love.
I believe I could get used to long weekends. We had (bummer - past tense) a four day weekend in honor of our American Veterans.
Thank you for the week end to be sure. But mostly, Thank you for your service - your time. Peace be with you.
I am not exactly pro-war preferring we strive for world peace, and this too is generally (har har) is the overall ambition of those who do serve our county in the military.
Don't believe me, just engage a veteran in conversation. They're all for world peace - it's the reason many got into the military to begin with.
I'm a peace-lovin' person and do so wish we could settle our world problems with multi-flavor ice-cream instead of weapons of mass destruction.
Peace out my friends and dig in.
There's plenty of ice-cream and all the toppings one could wish, even if you just want to gobble up the toppings with a splash of whip cream sans the ice-cream. Of course there are big mouth spoons too.
But that's just an idea for world peace negotiations. I'm sure there are plenty more peaceful ideas.
I don't say these things to dis-serve the men and women who serve or have served our country in the past, today or in the future. On the contrary, I am in support of the veteran's and to those that have served our country I am grateful. I am also thankful to those soldiers who serve today. (I do have my reservations about the commander-in-chief)
Wish you could go home due to world peace but i know that's not the case.
Last weekend, I met a man who served in WWII.
He claimed that there are no heroes and was very upset about McCain's using his military status as former POW to elicit votes. He is now a self-professed former Republican. He's also not for the war we're in now. He believes we were brought into it for oil and big business money.
This veteran was my son's age, 15, when he chose to lie about his age and enlist during the last world war.
I can not fathom my son making such a decision. The thought actually scares me like nothing else can - except my daughter enlisting.
She's signed on going through Air Force ROTC while she's working on her college degree.
So now, you just may see me with my long hair wearing peace beads, Birkenstock sandles and rose colored glasses (I like the way they make the the colors pop) while I climb into my minivan and wonder why I have no bumper stickers. Dad said they mess up the car.
I didn't have any political bumper stickers either although I wanted to but I just don't put bumper stickers on my car. "Times they are a changing" though, as Bob Dylan once wrote and sang about a previos war. I may have to post my views.
I'd have a large peace sign and the bumper sticker that says "my daughter's in the Air Force".
This doesn't make me an oxymoron. Nor does it mean that I don't support my daughter, I do.
It just means I now pray even harder for world peace.
According to the Online Webster’s Dictionary inspiration involves the supernatural to move or guide or breath or blow upon and to exert “an enlivening or exalting influence…” in order to draw forth or bring out.
Wow, that’s a pretty tall order, thank goodness (or goddess if you prefer) there are muse to help out here (of course we are the supernatural – just ask us!).
Lately, Irene hasn’t felt overly inspired and who can blame her?
The mortal world is pretty scary right now. Stress is one of those factors that can counter-inspire even the heartiest mortals.
Add in some other distractions such as elections, email and some self-saboteurs like a bad case of “the shoulds” and any mortal can find their link to inspiration blocked.
It’s not because we muse go away, we are actually around all of the time (remember that incredible idea you had in the shower awhile back?), blowing and drawing inspiration.
No sometimes there’s just a mountain of stuff between us with no communication link.
We may be divine and supernatural and more but the whole system requires an open channel of communication between us and we are only permitted to go so far, the mortal has to do their part too.
So what’s a mortal to do?
Get out of your mind!
Say what? Go crazy in a different way. Clearly, whatever you’ve been doing isn’t working so shake the brain.
Do something different.
Take a walk. You walk every day? Good for you! Take your walk in a different location or at the very least, change directions!
Look up and notice things, people and the scents around you.
Smell. Breathe deep and taste your world.
Listen to a different type of music.
Change up your stimulus. Put a different station on the radio, close your eyes and let your body find the beat. Feel the energies gather and when you can’t stay still, bounce your toes, wriggle your bootie, and move.
Move your whole body. Dance!Involve your taste buds. Go to a restaurant you’ve wanted to try or cook that recipe your friend sent you. Indulge yourself with a new flavor of ice cream or coffee.
Notice what happens to the food in your mouth. Swirl it around like wine.
Now, write about your experience!
Put your pen to paper and take action.
At first the words may not flow with inspiration (you did bind, gag and banish your inner-critic didn’t you?).
You may need to repeat these steps a few times but I promise, if you get out of your head and open the channel of communication and engage in the action of writing your muse will come through.And seriously, be sure to have something to write with and on when inspiration strikes.
I can’t tell you how often we muse wham you mortals in the shower (no apologies for the inconvenience) and you guys can’t be bothered to drip out and write this great stuff down! It’s darn right insulting!