Saturday, July 26, 2008

Toasting Change

Irene here.

Wow! Am I ever glad I only signed up for 3 of the 8-midnight shifts. We are morning mortal and muse - not night (as a general rule). We did meet some really wonderful people and are on our way to the goal of helping families and individuals to be on target to save a million dollars in interest. Right on U First Financial!

I ate my requisite corn dog with lots of mustard. Which just goes to show that one can change their tastes over time. Until just a few years ago I hated mustard. Now I enjoy it on my dogs of all varieties. Spicy for bratwursts and regular yellow variety for hotdogs and corn dogs. 

I think it's important for people to recognize that change is not always a bad thing. So often I see the resistance to change hold people back. Either an individual will toss in the towel on change because of the resistance their friends and/or family make or sometimes the friends and/or family refuse to acknowledge the growth and inevitable changes a person makes. 

They may recognize that children grow and make changes but try to freeze-frame them into a role or personality causing the individual to quit growing as a person. 

I've even seen entire groups holding each other back, locking themselves up and not encouraging critical thought and personal growth. 

I'm toying with the idea of becoming a vegetarian. I need to do some research first to ensure I stay healthy (I hate beans, which is unlikely to change, and is another story and may be a bit of a problem or no problem at all - if you happen to know feel free to enlighten me). That's a fairly significant change that can impact my family and they deserve to be given a heads up about something like that. 

I believe that a lack of communication is the cause of resistance from friends and family.  If I were to announce that I have given up meat, my family would first want to know about some of the details. such as why such a decision, or how will you stay healthy, or what do I have in my refrigerator that I can serve you. 

These are all valid questions and deserve answers. Discuss with your friends and families your plans for change, how they can be supportive and such and they will likely be less resistant to your changes. 

Enjoy and celebrate the positive changes in yourself and others. Permit growth to be an ongoing event. Don't be too quick to judge if a change is positive or not, observe, ask questions, and show your support to the individual while deciding. 

There are exceptions to this of course. If there is harm or the potential for harm, such as drug, alcohol or other type problem than clearly this type of change is not good and help for the individual should be sought.    

Overall, change is good. So can anyone tell me which is better on a flame roasted zucchini, regular or spicy mustard? And just how difficult is it for someone who likes their meat medium rare to give it up? More difficult than caffeine? 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Networking, Mingling and the Mid-State Fair

Irene and I are headed to the California Mid-State Fair for a little networking, mingling and people watching. I can almost taste the the Corn Dog I'm going to have for dinner. Yummy!

One of my many things that Irene does is to help people save money on their mortgage. Yes, I know sounds boring! But it's not! She's just started but the program can save her a couple of hundred thousand dollars over the life of her loan. That's nothing to laugh about - that's some serious cha-ching.

Irene's goal is to save people over $1,000,000 dollars by January 2009. The program does not require that you make double payments, or go out and get 2 more jobs or something like that. Here, check out my friends site that has a short video. United First Financial

Seriously - would you watch a 15 minute video that can potentially save you thousands of dollars on your mortgage? Check this out now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mamma Mia - Romance just may be possible

Irene and I just saw a really cute movie with some friends, Mamma Mia, based on the London and Broadway musical. A total chick flick billed as a musical comedy (featuring 22 ABBA tunes!), Mamma Mia, delivers! Most of the ABBA hits I knew well (Hey, I was there when they became hits!) but the twists were in the application of them.

The story is about a young lady who invites 3 men to her wedding. She's not sure which, but based on her mom's diary, one is the father she's never known but has always wanted to know. Her mother (played by Meryl Streep) is totally thrown off balance when she discovers the 3 men back in her life and staying in her Greek Hotel but her 2 best friends are there to see her through - girlfriends always do.

The beauty of the Greek Island as a backdrop was incredible and has me itching to pull out the paint and cover some walls with the same wash of blues used on the set and bring some flowers in from my garden. OK. What I really want is to visit the islands! Take me back!

True of other successful chick flicks, there are naked chests on the hotties and a peek of cheek. The seemingly random singing and dancing that is typical of musicals was hysterical and fun and made me think of past romantic possibilities with my eye to the future. Who knows? Romance can pop out and take your hand.

There is an all-star cast for Mamma Mia including Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard, Julia Walters, Amanda Seyfried, Christine Baranski, and Dominic Cooper. Everyone gives stellar performances and obviously had a kick of a time making the movie.

The film is directed by Phyllida Lloyd who directed the original in London and the Broadway production.

We give this movie the, Wanna Own the DVD when it comes out award and 2 happy faces. If you haven't done so, find your best girlfriends and check this movie out. You'll for certain want to own the soundtrack!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Making Mick and His Boy Sites

Irene and I have had a very busy day creating a new website, Mick and his Boy and a new blog to go with it, Mick and Boy.

What can I say, The muse was loose today. Mick and his Boy is a site about a dog brother's perspective of autism. Mick tells his and the boy's stories in the blog and site.Their mum helps by adding more information about autism and filling in the back story of Red. Mick and Boy is the blog where Mick shares his photos and day-to-day stories.

We have quite a bit to add to the site but it's shaping up nicely. Go on, check them out and please leave your comments on the blog!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fog, Friends, and Fun

I missed my mark this morning. As Irene's Granddaddy used to say, "You sure can sleep in this country". I got to the Bagel Bakery after the motorcycles and their men in leather had left for the track. Had we given advanced notice we were coming up, we'd have had tickets available. Oh well. There'll be other races. Oops, don't say that around the true fans!

It was cold and foggy on The Peninsula today, all the way into the Carmel Valley according to my friend. Usually its sunny that far inland. Irene got a call from her brother this morning and his family showed up tonight in Pacific Grove on the back end of their family vacation. Mom pretty much keeps a revolving door spinning here.

We had a really good visit with our friend today, drank a lot of coffee and didn't really get all that much accomplished except catching up on one another's lives. Irene and I'd planned some photo and flirting ops, but those somehow didn't materialize. Sometimes just hanging out with friends takes precedence. Today was one of those days.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Probably more time with the family and maybe some more time with friends. We are blessed with good friends and family and are grateful.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Racing Home

Irene received a call from a friend today that was visiting the Monterey Peninsula from the Reno Nevada area. As we haven't seen this friend in quite some time we decided to head up for a quick visit. Thank goodness Mom had our usual room available (it almost wasn't!).

As luck would hav
e it, its race weekend at Laguna Seca, Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix featuring the MotoGP World Championship. Irene's stepdad's a member of Sports Car Racing Association of the Monterey Peninsula (SCRAMP). It may be too late for him to score us a ticket or two but that's OK, there's enough bikes around town to cause an earthquake with their concentrated vibrations.

What is it about men in brightly colored leathers and those machines with different vibrational frequencies. I'm looking forward to a dose of pheromones and flirting ops at the Bagel Bakery tomorrow morning and more throughout the weekend. Oh, and getting a visit with my friend and a walk along the Carmel Beach and a trip down memory Lane. TTFN, we divas need our beauty rest.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Guys, Bikes and Summer Solstice

The guys of the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice seemed to really have a good time with the costumes, and celebration but they lacked a spiritual connection or element that the women had. I'm not sure if that description and these pictures depict that though.

This guy seemed to enjoy himself and dressing the part. One of the things I like about Santa Barbara is that so many people seem fit and healthy.

This guy seems very at ease considering that his partner is likely to give birth before the Summer is over. Peek through the orange circle.

This guy was very high up on a bike-like contraption. He appears to be totally native but maybe not. Are grass skirts like kilts in regards to undergarments?

This guy was on stilts that put him close to 12 feet tall. I was amazed at the grace he moved with through the parade. He'd carefully walk to the crowd and shake hands with the kids. I can't even walk in heels!

This guy was surrounded by women and realy got into the dance and directing of the troup.

Out of all the guys, these were among my favorites. I got the impression that we were the parade and they were just observing from a movable seat. The gentleman moving them down the road was really sweet. He carefully turned the float around so they could see both sides of the street and readjusted the umbrellas to shield these guys from the direct sun when he did.

I was glad to see the gentleness of this man, Irene became less jaded and a touch more optimistic about men when she witnessed his care. Maybe I'll elaborate on that more in a future post. In the mean time, consider this; how do experiences in the past impact your future? Do you see the good in others or do your previous experiences dictate your present perceptions?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Celebrate the spirit of others

Sure, there were guys that participated in the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice but they were outnumbered by the women.

It was the women's time to shine bright. I got so caught up watching their expressions that sometimes I forgot all about the camera in my hands.

There was an entirely different energy that the women possessed in their typical days and it was infectious!

Look closely at the smiles and joy that these dancers are showing. There is solidarity and community that these dancers exhibit. They are beautiful.

They are united in their steps and hearts. This is a very positive growing trend that I am noticing among women today.

I am so thankful that women are coming together to celebrate being women, finding bonds and strength in each other.

Things were so different when Irene and I was younger. Irene and I are feminists (surprised?) and when I see women celebrating together like this I know we've had some real success.

Girls like these will have even more opportunities than I did and that means so very much! We still have a ways to go but look at how far we have come!

Rallies, marches, and demonstrations are important but so is coming together to celebrate and just be together.

So, look in their expressions and recognize your own spirit for we really are all connected.

Pick up your phone and call a female friend today and connect with them. Tell them one thing that you enjoy about their spirit.

What would happen if everyone called a friend to tell them just one thing that is special about them?

How would you feel after getting a phone call like that? Does your friend deserve to feel that way?

Look around and find the spirit of those around you and really feel it. Acknowledge it and compliment the spirit in others and you'll discover a real treat. Your own spirit will grow exponentially.

Celebrate life with those around you daily! Reach out!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trust Your Muse

Have you connected with your muse? Are you beginning to feel the bond? I am a part of Irene and wouldn't exist without her. We are alike in many ways but sometimes she perceives me as different. I am not held to the same norms as Irene, I am a creative spirit.

I can stretch Irene in ways she doesn't know she is capable. Irene tends to be safe, responsible and somewhat predictable. Like most humans, she tends to resist or avoid changes and is overly concerned about how others perceive her. Like an inner-child, I am her playmate. I encou
rage her to try new things, explore with enthusiasm outside her comfort zone and be bolder and better like so many of the divas in the Solstice Parade. Irene's always in charge but she also knows the fun in giving in to a playmate.

I don't encourage reckless abandon, however I do endorse living passionately. The divas of the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice exemplified connecting and honoring their spirit.

In particular there was one woman at the Solstice that represented what I'm talking about. She was caught up in the celebration of the solstice. For the majority of the people participating and observing it was a really fun parade. For this woman it was a spiritual celebration, which she gave herself to totally. I could sense this woman and her muse were one at this very moment. Her passion for life was palpable and bigger than her.

Writing, or any other type of artistic expression is a merging of muse and artist. When an artist is in the groove or zone, it feels like an empowered spiritual process. The connection is the driving force that brings the two together time and again. Its addictive but never ever destructive.

When was the last time you let your muse guide and empower you?

Are you starting to understand that play dates are important for more than material or inspirational opportunities? Play dates with your muse are to keep you in touch and provide time to build an honorable relationship between you and your Muse. Do you trust your inner-muse?

Monday, July 14, 2008

People Watching People

Irene and I love to watch people! 

Sometimes the most entertainment is in the crowd of observers. This photo doesn't do justice to the sun that was painted on the pregnant woman's stomach. Judging by her belly button, I think she's done. I wonder if she even got to see the entire parade?

In the top photo, I'm pretty sure the tall kid in the back wearing sunglasses instigated this attack of a confetti filled egg. Who knows what went on before the attack though. Perhaps Red had it coming. An artist is first and foremost an observer. 

Writers and other creative folk need to refuel their juices and prime the pump regularly and often. Once a year just doesn't cut it. However, do keep a calender handy to put in dates for annual events like this one, The Summer Solstice parade in Santa Barbara. Make several annual dates with your muse. The more the better. 

Right now, right this moment, pull out your iPhone, iPod, PDA, folio, whatever you use to keep track of your important dates and schedule at lease 3 with your muse. Look in your local phonebook for annual events and commit you and your muse to at minimum, three.  These dates with your muse are sacred! Honor yourself and your muse.

Irene and I like these open events but it is equally important to have some that are more formal. When was the last time you took your muse to a fine restaurant or a play? We like both Broadway productions and local talent of all ages performing. Perhaps you'd rather take your muse to a concert?

Now schedule something big for you and your muse. Stick to what you can afford but make it really special. Do this, go online and research a destination you've always wanted to go to and see if there are any special events that you can incorporate on your trip. 

There's no good excuses for not taking your muse out. Get going. Get out and soak up some life! Then document it in your medium of choice. Create!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Location, Location, Location

The three most important rules about real estate are; location, location, location. 

Santa Barbara is surly one of the most spectacular locations of all but the same "rule" can be applied to so many other situations. 

Watching the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice near these judges provided a rich opportunity for viewers like me. Although reading the small print these are "unofficial" judges, the revelers didn't notice. They stopped and really put themselves into a show for these guys. I will surly look to sit near them next year! 

Another way to apply this rule is in choosing a location to let your creative juices flow. Recently Irene set up post at the Bagel Bakery in Pacific Grove California to write. It was a great choice providing plenty of material.

Ideally you have a location where you habitually create but to stimulate your muse, take yourselves out of your usual and set up in a unique place. Create opportunities for yourself by really considering your locations.

Look at these judges again. They have set up a truly unique opportunity for themselves with a lot of thought (or perhaps luck). They selected a prime spot that offered shade (important because the day was quite warm for santa Barbara). had plenty of room for the revelers to see them and set up to perform. These judges created created their own show!

Location, location, location, how do you apply this rule in your own life? 

Saturday, July 12, 2008

See The Big Picture - Write or Create the Details - iPhone 3G can expedite your blog

When Irene and I were at the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice, I noticed how much there is to see. Look at the above image and see how much is going on. This was just a snapshot of an entire parade with close to 1000 participants and 100,000 spectators. That's a lot of possibilities for writing or other artistic expression!

We can break the image down and focus on even more details. Do you see the young girl with the hula hoop and smile? She's not nearly as concerned about the unofficial judges as the lady dancing at her feet. Perhaps she wished for her own live jeanie?

Maybe in real life they are Mother and Daughter? Who knows? As a writer, you can create the story. 

One thing's for sure, there is virtually a never ending supply of characters. This guy, for example is comfortable enough to wear body paints and pastel splotches on the butt of his jeans yet he has such a "manly" colored hula hoop. I didn't even know they made that color. 
Where's this lady in white going? The parade is moving the other direction. Is it possible that she and the guy with the manly hula hoop got in an argument? Is she circling around to cover more ground? Maybe she's backtracking to the nearest bathroom?

I've dubbed this woman the Solstice Queen Bee. She was hilarious. She shows up in several pictures that Irene took because she was actually a spectator sitting right next to us that jumped into the action whenever she was moved. Like me, she really liked drums - and there were a lot of drums! 

All of these details and story possibilities came from just one image Irene took at the Summer Solstice with her cheap camera (one she will be replacing with an iPhone 3G). Using her MacBook Pro and iPhoto, Irene captured memories and material she didn't even know she had... 

Take you muse out often and bring along a camera to jog your memories to further expand your options. A camera phone like the new iPhone is a terrific option. You can snap the picture, write about it and even post it on your blog right from the festivities. See the big picture, pay attention to the details, and record them. 
You and your muse wont be disappointed. 

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Revelers inspire this muse at the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Parade

Irene, Red, Mick and I recently went to Santa Barbara to visit Irene's brother and family for a long weekend. Our timing was blessed. On Saturday June 21st we were treated to the 2008 Summer Solstice Parade. I can't believe I have lived this close to such devoted muse and never seen this spectacular pagan display before now.

I love parades! This parade in particular feels close to the grand celebrations a diva like me is accustomed to (Thank you Irene!). Revel with me! Everyone deserves to live as grand as they wish. I encourage you to take yourselves to this wondrous event and spoil your muse to both your delights. 

The colors, the costumes and oh-my-gosh, the drums! Is there anything that stirs the soul quite like drums? The weather was warm and appropriately, sunny (it isn't always inSanta Barbara in June). Celebrants were treating their inner-muse to such joy I wanted to throw my arm wide and embrace them all.                                                                                                                                          
The Solstice Parade begins "officially" at high noon however, there is a celebration that begins the night before for participants and even months before then during a mass muse planning and idea session. 

Creative muse juice was really flowing this year!

The Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Parade is filled with moments to ignite the creative
 spirit whatever you medium of choice is. Video cameras are one way to record the magic but Irene used her goofy older camera and caught enough stills to keep us writing for quite some time.

Irene and I were so caught up in the sights, sounds and smells (you do know of the wonderful smells a parade has, don't you?), we wanted to share it with everyone. Amid all of the festivities honoring the Sun and pagan spirits, this diva decided to encourage muse everywhere through her very own blog.

When was the last time you connected with your inner-muse in a meaningful way? We're not as slippery as some may believe. In spite of Irene's belief that I am a high maintenance diva, like all Muse, I'm actually very simple. The key to our bounty is to treat us as you would like to be treated and to treat yourself as kindly. Perhaps that is where Irene has come to believe I am lavish and grand. 

Strike up the band, beat the drums and take your muse out for a play date to keep the connections strong. Happy muse outings! 

Irene E.