Irene here.
Wow! Am I ever glad I only signed up for 3 of the 8-midnight shifts. We are morning mortal and muse - not night (as a general rule). We did meet some really wonderful people and are on our way to the goal of helping families and individuals to be on target to save a million dollars in interest. Right on U First Financial!
I ate my requisite corn dog with lots of mustard. Which just goes to show that one can change their tastes over time. Until just a few years ago I hated mustard. Now I enjoy it on my dogs of all varieties. Spicy for bratwursts and regular yellow variety for hotdogs and corn dogs.
I think it's important for people to recognize that change is not always a bad thing. So often I see the resistance to change hold people back. Either an individual will toss in the towel on change because of the resistance their friends and/or family make or sometimes the friends and/or family refuse to acknowledge the growth and inevitable changes a person makes.
They may recognize that children grow and make changes but try to freeze-frame them into a role or personality causing the individual to quit growing as a person.
I've even seen entire groups holding each other back, locking themselves up and not encouraging critical thought and personal growth.
I'm toying with the idea of becoming a vegetarian. I need to do some research first to ensure I stay healthy (I hate beans, which is unlikely to change, and is another story and may be a bit of a problem or no problem at all - if you happen to know feel free to enlighten me). That's a fairly significant change that can impact my family and they deserve to be given a heads up about something like that.
I believe that a lack of communication is the cause of resistance from friends and family. If I were to announce that I have given up meat, my family would first want to know about some of the details. such as why such a decision, or how will you stay healthy, or what do I have in my refrigerator that I can serve you.
These are all valid questions and deserve answers. Discuss with your friends and families your plans for change, how they can be supportive and such and they will likely be less resistant to your changes.
Enjoy and celebrate the positive changes in yourself and others. Permit growth to be an ongoing event. Don't be too quick to judge if a change is positive or not, observe, ask questions, and show your support to the individual while deciding.
There are exceptions to this of course. If there is harm or the potential for harm, such as drug, alcohol or other type problem than clearly this type of change is not good and help for the individual should be sought.
Overall, change is good. So can anyone tell me which is better on a flame roasted zucchini, regular or spicy mustard? And just how difficult is it for someone who likes their meat medium rare to give it up? More difficult than caffeine?