I’ve got myself in a pickle (Tis the season!) more to do than hours in a day but that’s what living full can do. I’m not exactly having visions of sugar plums, more like doing my homework in my sleep, coming up with lesson plans in my dreams (and praying for new ones!) and doing the Christmas traditions with my sons Red and Mick and working in new traditions with the band and guess what? My home was voted on for hosting the family tradition this year and here I thought my son was going to go to Georgia and his grandparents in Illinois – silly me. I couldn't be more grateful.
I miss my daughter but get in some video conferencing with her and her beau. He's a sweet young man. But I digress and find myself distracted once again... LOL - It sure doesn't take much... oh - hey pretty lights and I like that song...
So here’s a bit of distraction to enjoy: http://www.accuradio.com/holidays/ check out this link for holiday music choices (we’re listening to the rock one now) and when you need to dip below the PC belt and tickle your funny with a skeletal puppet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsHtNZzpzcI&NR=1
I should be back in a couple days with something more festive (maybe???)
Happy writing and memories,
Irene and IreneE
Mick has been making some holiday suggestions for families with autism - please check them out: http://mickandboy.blogspot.com/
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