Hey, Irene here.
I wish that I could say that everything is put away where it belongs, but that would be a big fat LIE! And although I am many things, I do try to not lie. Please don't ask me how those pants look on you.
I could make up some excuses but they would merely be excuses. I know what I need and I'm going to jump through the hoops this weekend to get my home back in order.
This project requires my morning energy with daylight. During the week I do get up early but its before dawn and its homework, Internet work and work and school routines.
So tomorrow morning I get to sit in the hot tub early, have a hot breakfast and then start work in the garage at bright light!
I also require music or some other forms of distraction, a way to keep me in one location and I tend to work best when I have someone with me, even if they're not actually working.
So, I've borrowed a book on CD from the library to keep me physically in the garage listening to a story and less likely to wander away. Its sort of like someone is reading to me so maybe that will also help me pretend someone is working with me. Maybe.
Hearing a book on CD has the added benefit of being a reward for me. I've been feeling a bit under spoiled with all of the hard work I've done lately and no time to read, my favorite self-indulgence.
Sunday, I repeat my morning of hot tub and hot breakfast and then work in the home restoring order.
I've got a new book I've ordered from Amazon for added reward that should arrive tomorrow or Monday. Yippee! More self-indulgence but only as my reward for restoring order in my home.
Which really, I know, should be its own reward.
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