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TMS (Too Much Stuff) and an ADHD disorder
As I alluded to in my previous post, I have a lot of beautiful and quite a lot of not so beautiful things. Just things. Dozens of vintage cameras, dozens of tin thermometers and dozens upon dozens of pottery items. Only some of which I really like. I still have a thing for McCoy planters and a few other McCoy items.
Mostly I have way too much stuff!
The solution seemed simple enough at the time, have a combination yard and collector sale. Yard Sale items outside, and collector items inside.
My brother, who helped me arrive at this solution also volunteered to come up to help me execute the solution. He's been an incredible help! For the past two weekends, there has been a yard and collector sale at my home. He helped the first weekend and Mom came down for the second.
And it was a huge success!
Although I still have a lot of stuff - I have less now.
I was just a bit naive about some of the details it took to execute the plan.
For example, at my brothers suggestion, he and I emptied out the garage of items not for sale.
These items are now stacked in places around my home awaiting my attention. Like I can miss this huge pile of papers in front of my office or the other stack just outside my office? I look at these stacks of things I still need to sort and I freeze up.
It's just too much to face and a real slap-in-the-face with the reality of my ADHD. Now, I'm bright enough to understand that ADHD is very real, and that like any other challenge, one can compensate with other strengths and even find ways to overcome some of the challenges. I even know on a cognitive level ways to overcome many of the challenges. But just looking at the stacks of stuff and I feel as if my brain functions are switched off like a light bulb.
I'm not looking to cure myself of ADHD, I actually embrace many of the aspects it brings to me, especially my creativity.
There are many muse with ADHD to be sure!
It's just I've got to tackle this project one step at a time, or in this case, box at a time. Yes, cognitively I understand it, but looking around my home at the disorder brings to mind the challenges of ADHD and why it is considered a disorder. Stay tuned as I put myself and home back in order.
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