Happy Martin Luther King Day!
Today is not just another holiday or day off from work, it is a day to get in touch with what resonates as your own strength of character.
Character traits are a part of what you the writer possess, what your muse highlights and you channel. Consider what character traits you like about yourself, what traits you'd like to change or enhance.
Perhaps you can find inspiration in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King?
What do you know or remember or think about when you consider the man for the reason of the holiday here in the states? What is your strength of character? Write about strength of character!
If you are in the process of writing a book, ad copy, anything at all, consider strength of character in your writing. Write in your journal; what does strength of character mean - to you?
You can read some of my story here; http://mickandhisboy.googlepages.com/home under the heading of Irene's capstone. Or you can read about our story through the dog that knows autism best, Mick; http://mickandboy.blogspot.com/ Strength of character is what comes out about someone in their writing.
Take the day to write and consider as a writing springboard what Dr. Martin Luther King wrote;
"I have a dream..."
What's your dream?
Write about it - then take at least one action to making it reality!
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