This year I resolve to go green!
I’m not talking about merely living in an environmentally conscious way although that is a part of it. I’m talking about living the green color of tranquility in all aspects of my life. This year I will make green choices!Why green? I decided to assign the color green to tranquility because it is the color of my images I associate with tranquility; deep pools of water, lush forests, gardens, money, health, and peace. Tranquility for me is having all of my needs met physically, mentally and spiritually. Green is also the color I associate with growth. I want to grow as a person; which is why tranquility is a journey not a destination.Going Green is a way to focus and sustain my energies to transform my life and with my life, those that my influence ripples with.Here’s some specifics of me going green this year…To improve my health, I am choosing to focus on eating more greens and less unhealthy foods such as sugar, processed foods and meats. By focusing on the greens and foods that are healthy, my weight will reset to a healthy normal, my blood pressure and cholesterol will also improve (better than my normal!). Going to the gym is in my healthy Green plans for my body. Going green is being physically fit.Green is the color of money (here in the states anyway) and an area of my life I am choosing to focus on this year. I’m going to focus on ways to have more financial green in my life with a healthy cash flow. I am growing my financial garden very green and healthy!I am optimistic about the potential for positive changes here in the USA and also toward world peace. Like many, I feel the winds of change are blowing for the better. To be sure, there are headlines and news to the contrary, but there always will be. I choose to focus and keep my sights on the green and good. I can contribute to a better environment, peace and tranquility for all, through meditation, prayer and a green celebration of spirit. By improving and choosing the green in my own life, I can help build a healthy green world; one where tranquility is possible. I am focused on making green choices and taking green actions! I am now totally green with wild flashes of inspiration and hue!What color are your ambitions? You get to choose the color and what it means to you. And you certainly don't need to limit yourself to just one color or shade!